
gentle, fun, and accessible group beach yoga on Mackenzie Beach in tofino.

Group Beach Yoga
Drop-Ins Welcome!

Group beach yoga is held on the beach out front of Mackenzie Beach Resort, Wednesday - Sunday, from May until October!

These classes are accessible to all and designed to suit the time of day, the weather and what your body & mind are needing.

Stay connected on Instagram for pop-up drop-in beach classes throughout Fall/Winter. Private bookings still available! Email to book :)

Private Yoga

Private yoga is great for small groups from 1-18 students, with flexible scheduling and location. These classes can be held on the beach or at your accommodation. I create customized classes for your groups' requests and specific needs.

Class price varies depending on number of students. Starting at $99.

Please reach out to me directly via email to set something up!

Group Studio Classes -
Coastal Bliss Yoga

Attend group, drop-in classes, at my home studio, Coastal Bliss Yoga (located at 1180 Pacific Rim Hwy).

My current class offerings include:
Wednesday 11am Yang Yin / Saturday 11am Hatha / Sunday 6pm Vinyasa

To book these indoor classes, please use this link or the MindBody app: